Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Un-sucky movie of the day...

I guess it was bound to happen. After previous summer-movie-blockbuster bombs like "Spiderman 3" and "Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End," we were bound to eventually go see a good movie. And so last night we saw "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." And we saw that it was good.

I'm not a big Potter fan. I've not read any of the books. I've only seen a couple of the movies. But this one I liked. The story was fun and pulled me through, and the acting was commendable, particularly the woman who played Umbridge (*cough*bitch*cough*). And the wizard battle at the end was worth the wait. Most telling, perhaps, was the wife-to-be's reaction (who is a huge Potter fan, has read all the books and seen all the movies), who thought it was great. So there you go.

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