Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Jerry apparently doesn't like squirrels. Therefore, Jerry is a girly-man. Personally, I find squirrels to be among the least offensive of the order of rodentia.

Oddly enough, though, when I entered "evil squirrels" into Google I found that there are many people who share Jerry's aversion to squirrels. Here are some websites that you sciurophobes might want to check out (and believe me, this doesn't even scratch the surface):

The Bushy Tailed Rat

Proof that Squirrels are Evil and Mischievous

Evil Squirrel Bastards

The Evil Squirrel Conspiracy

Evil Squirrel Attacks 3 Innocent People



Anonymous said...

See I told you Im not weird. There are a ton of sites that tell the whole squirrel story. Those rat bastards are out there right now plotting. Be very aware!!!!

Anonymous said...

phobia (from the Greek φόβος "fear"), is an irrational, persistent fear

pATRICK said...

What, you're saying fear of squirrels is not irrational?


Anonymous said...

Ever been attacked by a squirrel? Ever been been forced into a storm by a rabid giant squirrel that refuses to move out our your way in the middle of a hotel ouside corridor? Ever seen the evil hoarde that attacks the pistahio machine at Seville? Ever...... well, I won't get into that.

Anonymous said...

pATRICK said...

What, you're saying fear of squirrels is not irrational?


The exact opposite.

Though Jerry better watch out

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