Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Special PIP-tastic session?

The Buzz reports that
Gov. Charlie Crist is "very close" to calling a special session to address the Oct. 1 disappearance of the state's no-fault automobile insurance coverage.
It's easy to see who's ox will be gored by the sunsetting of PIP. Looking at the (unbelievably weak, home-made, amateur looking) Save PIP website, the list of supporters includes the Florida Medial Association, Independent Healthcare Providers, Florida Chiropractic Association, Florida Orthopedic Society, Florida Consumer Action Network, National Center for Policy Analysis, and the Palm Beach Medical Society. (I mean, really, with all that money that is the BEST they could do with their website?).


Anonymous said...

So we spend another how many thousands of dollars for a special session for something the legislature did not handle, or specifically chose not to handle, i.e. letting it sunset, in the regular session. If there is a more dysfunctional state government in the country, please point it out.

pATRICK said...

Agreed. Why they didn't address this during the regular session is beyond me. Of course, by the time a special session rolls around, the insurance companies will be touting the new & improved "lower cost" insurance, so the legislature will get crucified for "raising insurance rates" if they renew PIP. It's a great game...

Anonymous said...

It could be argued that they did deal with it. That is the whole point of sunset. Either way, Crist calling another special session is bs and a waste of tax money

pATRICK said...

I don't think the failure of the legislature to renew PIP this session was a result of the legislature's decision to allow PIP to sunset. The legislature did propose an amendment last summer that would've extended the law, but Jeb vetoed it.

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